TCK, Life Anthony Arcis TCK, Life Anthony Arcis


We have come together not because of blood, but because we share bonds of a common outlook on life, a customary way of treating people with respect, and mutual values that resound within all of us - something which unfortunately does not always seem to happen in families related solely by blood (at least in my observation)...

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Serial Ex-Pat, Life, Travel Anthony Arcis Serial Ex-Pat, Life, Travel Anthony Arcis

The Curve

People that come to someplace to stay to live, work, or both have the same thing happen, but they don't leave. And this is where the CURVE shows itself. Because after the initial enthusiasm of the “The Peak”, comes the valley.

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TCK, Life, Serial Ex-Pat Anthony Arcis TCK, Life, Serial Ex-Pat Anthony Arcis

Being Multi-Local

I am a local. I am multi-local: I am or have been a local of London, Lahore, Dacca, New Delhi, Kuwait City, Dhahran, Manila, Bangkok, Pattaya, Tokyo, Salt Lake City, Evanston (Wyoming), Istanbul, Saigon, Hong Kong, Toronto, Freetown, Addis Ababa, Singapore. It seems like a lot but it's kind of a blur.

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Life Anthony Arcis Life Anthony Arcis

Magic Time

However probably the one that I have enjoyed the most is the concept of ‘magic time’. I have consciously changed my schedule so that I now wake up generally between 4 - 430 a.m. every day.

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Life, TCK Anthony Arcis Life, TCK Anthony Arcis

TCK Blind Spot

... It really hit me. I have a serious blind spot as a TCK. And I think I've had it my whole life, and it has unwittingly gotten me into trouble many times.

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Life, Serial Ex-Pat Anthony Arcis Life, Serial Ex-Pat Anthony Arcis

Losing Touch - The story of a serial ex-pat

As part of my minimalism kick, over the last year or so I have been going through what few mementos I still had. Most of my keepsakes burned up in a storage unit fire in the year 1999 - lost everything from my childhood and the military and family (very liberating in a way). But I still had stuff that I carried with me.

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Life Anthony Arcis Life Anthony Arcis

No silver bullet?

It comes from the fact, in western (European) cultures and mythology primarily, that a silver bullet is the one thing needed to kill supernatural creatures, mainly werewolves. From that it grew into a way of speaking about a simple solution to difficult or intractable problems. E.g. "I may have a silver bullet for this problem."

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Life, TCK Anthony Arcis Life, TCK Anthony Arcis

Finding your tribe

Although I understand and really identify with the idea of a tribe ... I remember from a podcast somebody, I believe Seth Godin, talking about finding the smallest number of people that you can have a positive impact on. I have yet to find that tribe, although I have a good idea of where to start looking.

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