#136 - Vaccine
Well, this has been quite the week for me.
I did a 10 day sprint on Italian learning to try to get to A1 level, and although I don’t think I quite made it, I made a lot of progress … and … at least according to my tutor, I seem to have succeeded. I am able to conduct and understand a basic conversation in Italian now. 😊
I stopped taking statins yesterday. I was on the lowest dose of Lipitor, to lower my cholesterol sinceI have a suspect artery (Left Anterior Descending – the Widow Maker as a nurse mentioned to me 😊). But 22 days on that and the side effects seemed worse. I had aches and pains everywhere and my sleep turned quite spotty. I figured I’ll exercise more and try to go more plant based. I was thinking about a preemptive angioplasty but that doesn’t seem like it is that effective either based on some stuff I’ve heard. I have an appointment with a cardiologist in a week or so to get information direct from a specialist.
Thanks to a heads up from Mark, my roommate, I was able to book a COVID 19 vaccination (Pfizer) and got it within a day. And I got it. Wow! Felt fine after although arm is mildly sore. That is about it. I’m typing now 24 hours after the shot. I was feeling a tad under the weather today for sure, but nothing I could really put my finger on.
I have my 2nd scheduled for 2nd week of April. And 30 days after that, I’m going to try to be on a plane to Istanbul.
I didn’t realize how badly I was affected by the last year (28th of March will be 1 year since I arrived from Argentina). I’m not blind or delusional but I think I was just doing a good job of just not dealing with what I couldn’t control. The minute an option presented itself … I was in full on ‘get on the road’ mode.
I use an app called Insight for meditation. 1099 days straight as of this writing. I recently found a guided session about being ‘effortless’. I use guided because it has always worked better than just listening to nature sounds. Listening to a soft, soothing voice seems to work for me. But, anyway, back on track. Being effortless. Great concept. She brings up some really good points.
1. We are acculturated from an early age that ‘struggle’ is good. You know what I’m talking about. That one has to have put some effort into something to make it worthwhile.
2. That this acculturation leads us to feel guilty if we even take a break to be able to relax.
3. But why should we want to always struggle?
4. And the thought that minimalism leads to less effort.
a. The less you own, the less to insure, maintain, protect, store.
These are all things worth thinking about. The process of packing for the road again has been worthwhile. I’m again back in minimalist mode. I still hope to be able to do only 2 bags … even with ‘being prepared’ stuff packed as well.
And yes – one has to work hard to get things accomplished, but as I have gotten older the concept of working smarter instead of harder really becomes more important to me. And I am lazy. I don’t want anything to be harder than it has to be.
A great article I found on AOM –
Well worth reading – 2 minutes – at the most.
The effort of planning for travel is definitely higher than before. And there is the travel tax for getting same day PCR testing ($250). But I am excited to get back on the road.
I have applied for a Global Entry card with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. Interview tomorrow. We’ll see how that goes.
The Philippines has gone crazy with lock down again. They really are brain dead. They have no idea what they are doing. Well – one thing is obvious. The people in government are besides themselves because they can’t figure out how they can graft money off giving people vaccines without looking like greedy, corrupt, morally bankrupt a**holes. I hope they all burn in hell. (If I believed in Hell that is) … but as they say .. it is the thought that counts.
Duh! … And yet he continues to claim there isn’t any corruption involved. Really???!!!
Odd vaccine info points from around the world - I heard directly from people who are there or I heard myself.
Philippines – Various highly connected people seem to be getting vaccine and are trying to stay under the radar about it. Imagine that! But no … no corruption involved here. No sir.
Dubai – Apparently about half the population is vaccinated and anyone can apply now for an appointment for the vaccine (Chinese versions)
Argentina – Vaccine (Russian and Chinese available) being given but I heard from a friend there that because there may be a shortage the government is thinking about only giving single doses (of the two stage vaccine). What??!! You can’t make this stuff up. Again. Morons!
USA - Nevada – In calling around for a same day result PCR test, one place I called said they had the vaccine as well (or would in 10 days) and if I or friends needed it they could book and come in. Said they would have Moderna and J&J options. $30 ‘administrative fee’ but vaccine itself is free.