Resilience - The ability to withstand the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"
Digital Currencies
Perhaps my most ambitious article to date. On what digital currencies are. Finally just decided to just get it out there. It is just a start.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is an essential skill. These are my observations on how to accomplish it. And, this week marks one year since I started my blog.
Understanding Vs. Acceptance
A short discussion about why acceptance is so important. I posit that it may even be more important than understanding.
I'm a Stoic and didn't know it
My 50,000 foot view of Stoicism and how it seems an eminently sensible way to live
Birthday Review
I hate birthdays ... but nonetheless some thoughts on birthdays and the year in review
Uruguay and what I'm learning about travel
A visit to Uruguay and discoveries about simplicity
Situationally Oblivious
There are significant advantages to being situationally aware. This article discusses that.