#154 - The Data Detective and other things
A brief update and a book review for a volume TRULY worth reading. Possibly a way to break tribal allegiances.
#147 Cholesterol Myth & a Wake Up Call (Medically Speaking)
My recent medical emergency and wake up call - The Great Cholesterol Myth
#133 - Health + Other Stuff
A small health update, great website to help with tracking your health and some reading suggestions
#127 - WFR (Woofer) - Wilderness Medicine
My Wilderness First Responder course in Flagstaff
#126 - CQ, CQ, CQ
CQ - Amateur Radio shorthand for “Calling Any Station” … and other thoughts
#119 - Simple Happy Zen
A very cool YouTube Channel I discovered and my attempts at learning to draw. Also a really good learning site.
#101 - How much time does it take to work on your wellness
Breaking Down A Wellness Lifestyle
Tree Maps & Other Esoterica
Some podcast recommendations, How to do a tree map and what it is about, and an application review
Thanks for the memories
Some thoughts on MRIs, the Deceptive Brain, Model Thinking, and a fantastic infographics website
Memory Palace Update
A detailed progress report on how to actually implement a memory palace for language learning.
Numbers: The Steel Tariffs
A look at the some of the numbers for the U.S. Steel Industry and how they relate to the tariffs imposed by Trump. Why did Trump decide this unilaterally?
Learning Methodologies
Best learning methodologies, information I found out about the difficulty of learning a language, and some research tools
Learning + Game Theory
Some thoughts on language learning and Game Theory (non-mathematical)